Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dear Sarah...

Hi my name is Heather. I know I’m just another person with a blog trying to gain the attention of a mass audience…my fifteen minutes of fame? No. Well... if I can gain some attention I know that it will help my cause. I’m trying to find someone. I’m trying to find someone I lost long ago. Her name is Sarah Brown and she’s a missing person.

Two years ago me and a few remaining family members published her diary through a friend of mine named Tshombe. We published her diary with the hope of finding Sarah or finding out what happened to her immediate family. For so long we have been trying to do it all by ourselves for over 14 years. For almost fifteen years my best friend has been missing. I don’t think too many people can imagine what that’s like. I was in high school when it happened. Now I’m in my thirties. I’ve divorced and remarried. I have two beautiful children and my best friend hasn’t been able to share it with me.

I’m starting this blog for Sarah Brown. Her family nor I want to release her picture for fear she may go deeper into hiding. Over the years, Sarah has made contact a few times. Her most recent contact was a video posted on Youtube.

I will post something here at least once a week for Sarah. Sarah, if you’re out there and you read this, know that we love you and we’re trying to do everything we can to make it so you can come home. To everyone else: Please read Sarah’s Diary available here or here. She needs our help. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sarah, I read the diary, I read your blog, and still... it is all so hard to believe. It is tragic, and heartbreaking, but above all it is unbelievable. It is stranger than fiction. In the video it sounds like a 15 year old girl is talking.. almost as if she is stuck being 15. I wish you and her family the best. I would love to ask you questions and talk about her story. Nothing has captivated me like Sarha's story. If you wouldnt mind talking to me respond I can give you my e-mail. <3 Erin <3 Peace and blessings.
