Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I received this anonymous email in my inbox the other day. It really made me wonder why... why I keep writing and searching... why we do anything for that matter. After all these years why I still believe when there are a lot of people out there questioning if Sarah’s diary is even real...

Hi Heather,

If that’s your real name... I recently found out about Sarah’s Diary via a friend’s facebook page. I followed the link and started to check out her videos and pictures. Some were really pretty but deep and dark, and some of the posts started me thinking about a lot of stuff from my own life. Anyway, I was curious so I bought the ebook of Sarah’s Diary and read it in a weekend. Now I’m even more confused.

When I read your blog I see you talk about your interactions with Sarah, how much you miss her and are still looking for her. Are you for real though? I can’t tell if she is fact or fiction.

The main questions going through my head are, Why would you still be looking after all this time? Don’t you want closure... I mean after all that... everyone pretty much ending up dead and the diary being found at such a gruesome crime scene, I mean if Sarah was really around however many years ago don’t you think she’s probably dead now too? Those missing persons cases you write about, most of those seem to end with a dead body...

I’m not trying to upset you I just want to know now too. Is Sarah’s Diary really real? Why do you keep looking? What makes you think she might still be out there, alive?


Why have I been thinking about this anonymous letter for 5 days now? I want to respond, I want to know the answers to those questions too...

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